Magic of Ho'oponopono - Meditations for Abundance and Prosperity


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Magic of Ho'oponopono - Meditations for Abundance and Prosperity

About Course

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of Ho’oponopono with this enchanting collection of guided meditations designed to help you manifest abundance and prosperity in every aspect of your life. The “Magic of Ho’oponopono” album features five unique, visually captivating meditations, each specifically crafted to address different aspects of your financial journey

Drawing upon the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono, these meditations use the sacred phrases of forgiveness, love, and gratitude to dissolve limiting beliefs, heal past financial traumas, and align your wealth with your true purpose. Creative visualization and guided imagery techniques are interwoven throughout each meditation, allowing you to vividly experience the fulfillment of your financial desires. 

By practicing these meditations regularly, you will begin to cultivate a mindset of abundance and prosperity, empowering you to attract wealth and well-being in all areas of your life. Embrace the magic of Ho’oponopono and allow the transformative energy of these meditations to guide you towards a life of abundance, harmony, and success.

Course content

videoEmbracing the Flow: Opening to Financial Abundance Start
videoHealing the Money Wounds: Transforming Financial Traumas Start
videoThe Prosperity Garden: Cultivating a Wealthy Mindset Start
videoHarmonious Wealth: Aligning with Your Financial Purpose Start
videoAbundance Alchemy: Transforming Scarcity to Prosperity Start
Kapil and Rupali Apshankar

Kapil and Rupali Apshankar

Certified Heal Your Life Coaches and Workshop Leaders

Course Instructor

Rupali Apshankar is a lawyer turned product manager turned coach. She has formal training in Indian classical music and sound healing. Rupali is a certified Heal Your Life workshop leader, teacher and coach in the philosophy of Louise Hay with affiliation to Hay House. She will soon be a Board Certified Coach, the highest professional credential in the coaching space. Rupali is also a certified Relationship Coach based on the Activation Method of coaching as taught by Mark and Magali Peysha. She loves to guide meditations for people and is a Certified Music Therapist.

Kapil Apshankar is an Amazon best-selling author of “Done! The Art of Managing Your Priorities” and a TEDx speaker. He is a licensed and certified hypnotherapist and a master hypnotic coach with affiliation to National Guild of Hypnotists and American Council of Hypnotist Examiners. Kapil is also a certified Heal Your Life workshop leader, teacher and coach in the philosophy of Louise Hay with affiliation to Hay House. Kapil has formal training and experience in a variety of eastern and modern complementary energy healing systems.